Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Letter to God

December 17, I escaped from our laboratory (just so you know, I’m not oblige to be there on a Monday schedule). But the idea was good. I never had any regrets of not being there for at least 2 hours I guess. My not being there gave me another wonderful experience to participate fully on Campus LIFE (Life and Insights for Everyone). I know not everyone is acquainted with this. It’s actually a gathering of students having one faith and there are also different topics and/or lessons that points out the life of a student and how God blesses each and everyone to draw closer to Him.

I run away from the lab knowing that this session is going to be the last CL for the year 2012.  I won’t allow this year end without me not joining the CL even just for the last time since I missed a lot during the 1st semester of the school year (I could still imagine how busy I am that time and tend to decline invitations from CL mates, my bad!). If not for the escape I won’t be able to make something BEST for my DADDY LORD <3 . 

We are so busy giving gifts to our friend, loved ones, manito, manita but have we given anything to JESUS CHRIST as He’s the one celebrating His birthday on the coming Christmas Day? Definitely, not a material things right? PRICELESS maybe! Remember, we are celebrating Christmas because of JESUS CHRIST, Himself and not just purely on giving gifts. Moreover, my gift is a letter addressed to GOD (below is the exact letter I’ve made, good thing I was able to have photo on it since I really don’t know where the letter will be going afterwards).

" Lord God, 
You are so loved that I made this letter to the person who loves me the most. You are so special to me Oh God that You bring nothing but only goodness for my family, friends and for myself. You deserve all the praises and glory for everything that You've and You’ll be done in my life.
I’ll never be tired of thanking You my God because You never failed me. You give me more than what I expect. You have been so faithful to me even for sometimes, I’m not that faithful to you. Even for sometimes I could not understand Your thoughts, your will [sorry keu Lord J ] and most especially Your plan for me. But I believe Lord, you’ll always grant my heart’s desire.
Words aren't enough Lord God to express how blessed I am (and for sure this piece of paper isn't enough too) with people, with everything that is happening in my life. Because there are so much to be thankful for.
                …thank you for being so FAITHFUL with your promises
                …thank you for giving me a LIFE that is worthy of praising Your Name
   …thankyou for blessing me with INSPIRING and ENCOURAGING colleagues (kabalo kana                   Lord kinsa sila)
   …THANK YOU that YOU are my GOD, my one and only DADDY LORD, truly amazing and    incomparable
  …THANK YOU for giving Your Only Son JESUS (who save us)

       Please extend my greetings to Jesus (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS) " 

Writing a letter to God was a good idea at all. Thanks to Gyver and Howard who initiated the session and to everyone who made the CL worth remembering. You are truly a blessing to everybody. We'll see each other on the next year to come :)

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you - Phil 1:3

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Poloy!


 21 years ago, God created/ formed an awesome man now and that man bears the name RUSSEL (Poloy as what people fondly called him). Since today is his birthday, allow me to enumerate random things about him (someone out there might be interested with his background.LOL! :D)

the photographer and the doctor..TROLOLOL! :)
I have known this person way back physical chemistry laboratory times. We were group mates actually and that made me realized that he is truly smart. He don't dwell with basta - basta experiments/lab report (and even basta - basta ppt presentation. This is real up to now). His I.Q. is beyond average. Bright jud na bata :D Maulaw na lang ko kung mag -ingun siya na wala naka - answer sa exam (HAHAHAHAHAHAH! malipay daun ko kay diha ra ko maka - edge sa iyaha *insert evil laugh*) COMPETITIVE! Speaking of competency, he is good at it (admit it loy! bwahahahaha). He is definitely competitive. Dili magpalupig bha! =) And this is something I like about him because he is so genuine and sincere about everything he does. He is just so honest with what he actually feels like saying to me this line'
"Jec, mabagsak nako...mamatay nako unya...wala pa ko ka -study...wala pa ko katulog...niwang nako bha? HAHAHAHAHA :) sapian bya!"
His fascination with photography *insert DSLR crave face* leads him to picmonkey addiction (not to mention some of my classmates who were also influenced with this photo editor application). He is actually good when talking about photos and editing. That is one of the many reason why you may hear someone says "Poloy, edit-e/buhati ko ug logo for...Poloy, pagdesign sa ug t-shirt" and many more. This is one of his obra click here which also made my birthday so lovely because of this beautiful gift he had for me:)

There are lots of things I could share it to you guys (about this bubbly Budoy), but I won't take this any longer (para hindi mag - mukhang dragging). Better  know him in person na lang.

 *insert serious face* On your birthday, I wish you all the very best in everything, all the joy you can ever have and may God blesses you abundantly on your studies and family. God knows the desire of your heart and for sure He will grant it. I thank the Lord for crossing our paths. Thank you for all the helps you had for me especially when I experience difficulty with academics stuff. Thank you for the friendship and trust. Truly, you are one of those people I treasure and I'm keeping this friendship forever. CHAR! Z:) may you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come...

" I thank my God upon every remembrance of you" - Philippians 1:3

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Bats!

Wow! You’re getting older and I just can’t help but realize that I am older than you (I know! I know Chos!)  Well “Age is just a number and Young is an attitude” (so Palmolive). Anyway, I will not let your birthday passes by without you reading any messages coming from me. So I will start right away. Okay? So fasten your seatbelt, this will not take too long. Promise!

You were born a week after my birthday, so I had this gift which was beautifully made by you.Hindi ako masyadong napressure! Why should I be? I won’t make any collage photos on your birthday. Of course, I won’t do the same. Nyahahahaha. Anyway, Thanks for this <3  click here. I’ll just put everything into words for your birthday. So here!

I’m so glad you were born, because you are one of the people, I know, that will brighten my life and fill it with joy. You know me well. I easily got frustrated and disappointed with some of the things in life but you never failed to give counsel. You crack jokes when needed nyahahahaha but for sometimes dili jud ko makagets…(I’m very sorry darling J) But I tell you, it really helps in easing the pains and struggles I had with my studies.

Our friendship started 3 years ago and I never thought of having you as one of my trusted – close friends. You know that I choose people (and that already includes you) whom I can share my thoughts and feelings maybe because I don’t want to bear anymore the pain and brokenness I’ve experienced long time before. I don’t demand loyalty and trust but I give so much value to it.  I know that you can be trusted and you have proven yourself to me that you are worthy to be trusted (so do I, Oo nga naman).

Thank you very much for the wonderful friendship we had. Thank you for being so real and a trustworthy person. I may not be the perfect person to be your good confidant but I will always be the same person whom you know from the very start. I may not be as intelligent as Newton or Einstein but I will try my best to teach you lessons not just in school but also lessons in life. I will always be Jecca, your friend whom you can turn to whenever you have problems in life (financial matter is definitely an exemption). You will always be my little sister that I never had <3

May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment of your heart’s desire. Heart daw Oh? Nyahahahaha speaking of heart, PLEASE GUARD YOUR HEART. I don’t wanna see you broken or in pain.  Wishing you all the great things in life and hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest. 

Happy birthday MONIQUE LEAH E. CAGATIN and may all the wishes and dreams you dream tday turn to reality.

...something to do...something to love...something to look forward to..

Sunday, July 29, 2012

How I Wish...

My birthday is coming upppp (exactly 7 days from now) and so please allow me to enumerate things I would like to receive on my birthday (I'm hopeful). In random order :)

1. BACKPACK (any brand will do basta lig - on)
  ...I wanted to have it this year nah because of the so many - heavy things (including my little - cutie laptop, notebooks, hand - outs, personal stuffs etc) that I always bring during schooldays. I feel like carrying all of these things on my back and then go over my shoulder. Is it relaxing right? J

2. Mini - BIBLE (any version will do...glad to have a NIV one)
...It was year 2009 when I first joined a bible study conducted by a Born Again Christian group. I don’t have any regrets of joining them where in fact I am a true Roman Catholic. But instead it really helps me in knowing more Jesus. I always turn on reading the bible especially when I’m in pain and broken (at that time, Jacko allowed me to borrow his bible). The words and verses are so inspiring but sad to say I stop reading nah because I already return the bible to my friend. I am planning to buy one but someone had promised me a bible a year ago (I think she forgotten it already and I’m ashamed of reminding her…nyahahahahaha). Mas tsada man gud kung hinatag J

…I like to have an album of printed photos. What I mean is making the soft copy into a hard one? Nyahahahaha Lousy joke! Since my facebook is already crowded with photos not just uploaded by me but also include several tags from different users. So, I think it is better to have it printed and placed on a photo album for easy browsing. I would like to have printed photos of me with my ChE family, HS friends, YFC family and everyone closes to my heart J

…I am not definitely vain but I like to have it one (maski usa lang jud).Promise! I am not good in editing photos so please will someone could edit it for me?… yun’ pinaka da best nah edit talaga…yun’ mapaiyak ako sa tuwa J

5. BOUQUET of FLOWERS (pwede na ang 1, 2 or 3 stems)
…for the reason that I haven’t yet receive any flowers on my birthday. Siguro, just to make a difference this time J

…above all, letters coming from the people closes to my heart still have the biggest impact on my birthday. I love to read letters especially when it’s written sincerely and whole – heartedly. Maka – inspire man gud and that I should be keeping the letters for years and balikon ug basa, matouch pud taJ

…Trivia: did you know that I have not blown a birthday candle (if there is one event in my life, I can no longer remember)? Isn’t funny right? But this is so so so true! Hahahahahaha just like any other kid who would love to have cake on his birthday and a candle to blow, I would like also to experience how it feels. I guess it feels like heaven…mag – ambaka jud ko sa kalipay, seriously J

…I always desired to have a lunch/dinner date with my trusted – closed friends (you know who you are) on my birthday. But years had passed (when I started college) that my birth date fall on a midterm’s week (busy keu ug study).Anyhow, this year would be very different. Lucky me! I’ll be celebrating my birthday on a Sunday before midterm’s week. So, I’m looking forward for a group date (with three or four is fair enough) hahahahaha J

9. Something PINK
…Just to let you know, Pink is my favorite color. So, I guess this thing is now clear J

…My birthday fall on a Sunday before the midterm’s week, so I would like to have something to stimulate my brain. Any of this will do and that will really help me to think well during study time/period. HAHAHAHAHAHA! J

…PRAYERS are more than enough for my birthday! THANK YOU J

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

REFLECTION: Patas sa Benteng Tanong

**I was able to retrieve my reflection note on the play entitled "Patas sa Benteng Tanong". This was the first play I watched in the XU - Little Theater (since t'was part of the requirement for English 41 class). Let me share it to you :) **

“How do you see virginity ba?” was one of the question raised by Yumi to Jigs that strikes me most. We all know that virginity is the state of being a virgin. A virgin is usually a woman who had never been into a sexual intercourse. The state of virginity has always been significant to me. I perceived virginity as something sacred to be valued and respected. For other people, they considered the act of losing one’s virginity as one of the important life event but for me it is something to be ashamed and not to be proud of. I am not saying that virginity is a full requirement to marriage. In the first place, unmarried people are not allowed to enter into sexual activity; otherwise they considered sex only just for pleasure, fun and entertainment. Sex is just for married person and no other people can do it but only those who acquired the gift of matrimony. It is improper to say that a woman should surrender her virginity to a man just for assurance before getting into marriage. It is the woman’s lost, if the man did not marry her whose virginity he had taken. Each person must use his or her own judgment and decides if it is the right time and the right person. Virginity is not for you to give in to anyone just because of girlfriend/boyfriend wants, peer pressure problems, movie madness, and feeling curious. In order to value virginity, one must think that virginity is a personal decision.

The Patas plays an important role in today’s generation. It is a reality check to what is truth behind virginity and pre-marital sex. It is an aid for us to have a clear understanding on how we should value and respect it. Of course nobody wants to be left out of things. This means that we should consider factors both physical ones, like the possibility of becoming pregnant and the emotional factors too. The real thing there is, when it comes to sex, you are in charge of your own happiness and your own body and you have a lot of time to wait until you are sure about it. Finally, being a virgin proves that you are in charge and you are powerful enough to make your own decisions about your mind and body.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guard Your Heart

:* let me share to you the thoughts that I have been keeping for years;

When a man and woman have feelings for each other, it does not necessarily need to have formal relationship as bf and gf. While both of you are still busy with your personal life, it's possible that you could make each other as an inspiration. No commitment just a romantic bond. Isn't much sweeter and nicer when you both accomplished everything that you want in life and yet you still end up together?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I know that one of the best feeling here on earth is being in love and being loved by someone, Right?  It’s good when someone courted you, ask you for a date and give you flowers during your monthsary or even at your anniversary and everything under the sun that unites the both of you.  You may speculate me for knowing all of these. You may conclude right away.  But babe, don’t be bothered. I am just human. I have eyes to see lovers around me. I have ears to hear those sweetest words a man could ever say to his girlfriend. And definitely I can sense the kilig feelings they have for each other.

i wanna fall for someone who would make 
me feel that JESUS is his number one
Yes naman! Just like any other woman, I can imagine myself being with someone (but that someone is unidentified). His face feature is hazy and fuzzy. But all of his attributes is definitely one of the standards I am looking for. Where on this earth I could find that someone who is so FAITHFUL not just to me but most especially to God? Ahmmm! I am not looking! I am not searching and certainly I am not hurrying. As the song goes like this;

“You can’t hurry love
You just have to wait
They say love don’t come easy
It’s a game of give and take “

This is one of the songs that remind me about taking it slow, letting it go and letting God to make it happen. That is why, I remain single since birth because I am not looking for love instead I allow love to find me. *parang tago – taguan lamang! Just kidding aside*.

For years I have been living in the magical feelings of having crushes. For some, this is so high school but I don’t mind; At least I have crush (hindi ako matatawag na abnormal). And besides, my beloved nanay is not in favor of having boyfriend (only boy na friend!hahahaha) while studying. Cliché! While others are saying “dili mana mapugngan, kung love”. Well, I am the living proof. I was once in like with someone but I know it was purely admiration. I was invited for a date by someone but I repudiated. I was also asked by someone to court me but I refused. (And if you’re going to ask me that someone’s name, well I am very sorry darling; this is something I have to keep for myself). The reason behind all of these is that I have my first love already – my course, Chemical Engineering and I was not even PRAYERFUL about my love life. I only prayed for the goodness of my family, myself and my studies, my friends and countrymen and I didn’t even include my love life because I know God is so good in answering my prayers (baka sasagutin niya agad!Hindi pa ako ready Lord, you know that). How come someone appear asking me for a date yet I am not praying for that someone to come into my life? Destiny? Oh no! I don’t believe in destiny. I refused because I give so much respect to my parents’ decisions as much as they give respect to mine. I don’t want to regret. I don’t want to experience puchu – puchu relationship. I don’t like to change my fb status “to single to in a relationship to in a relationship but it’s complicated to single again” ng basta2x lang (In reality, dalawa lang naman ang status: single o di kaya’y married dbha?). Even if they will allow me, I would rather choose being single until I finish college, I pass the board exam, become an engineer and I am already tired of being single anymore.LOL!

I don’t believe in destiny dahil hindi naman nakasalalay ang aking buhay sa tadhana kung hindi sa Panginoon lamang. All I am wanting is to have a relationship with someone that is truly blessed by God. I claim that if not today then probably in His perfect timing. If God’s will then its God’s will.

If you are single,consider this an advanced greeting!
 Whatever your situation is,remember,LOVE NEVER FAILS. You will either find it or it will find you in His most perfect timing!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Kim!

Dearest Kim,

            Happy Birthday to you my classmate, my friend and my textmate…hahahahaha I would also like to take hold of this opportunity to thank you for all the goodness you bring into my life. For making my life superb regardless of the many burden and pressure we’re encountering in ChE.  There were enumerable events in my life that you remained so close to me – you comforted me and helped me in coping up with everything. Please, allow me to share some of this.

…you were there

            When I had my first crying moment over NSTP midterm grade (I got a D grade because of our leader’s lame excuses & the rest is history). You accompanied me to the office and you helped me in defending the grade that is supposed to be mine. Though we’re group mates, I wasn’t expecting you to help me because we’re not that super close and at that time you were an accountancy student. Also, I was once intimidated with students from XUHS (now you know). But hey darling, you proved me wrong and you are definitely an exemption Kim. Because of what happened, I realized that I should not cry over NSTP *ulaw ko!hahahahahaha cry2x pa jud wla man diay labot sa QPI*. On the serious note, I realized that you are so friendly pala.

…you were there

            When the sole of my shoe was removed somewhere in Eng’g 2nd floor. You were the first person I approached and said “Kim, tabangi ko ang tikod sa akong shoe napulas” and without any hesitation you accompanied me to the CR and you said “Gabie naman Jec, dili man maklaro, ayaw lang pahalata”. I was relieved when you told me that though dili jud balance akong paglakaw. Another was, when the heel of my shoe kay gisangit sa katong tabon sa canal2x sa canteen and only to find out na pagstep nako nabilin ang isa ka pares sa akong shoe. I was not embarrassed even if I know people may laugh at me. But instead I ended up laughing because you’re laughing at me too. *no harm.

*sa imo ra jud ko dili maulaw mag – ingun sa mga in.aneh na things kay maski kabalo ko na imu kung kanchawan at least imu ko gatabangan. Kay laaabbb lageh*

…you were there

            When I was broken! I was crying a lot. I was betrayed. I lower down my pride. I forgive but I can’t forget (maybe because the pain is still there and it was hurting me so much). You might forget this but the remembrance of being with you during that trying moment is worth remembering. You stayed with me and you were again the person who helped me in resolving the problem.  I prayed and you prayed me too. Thank you once again kim.

…you were there

            Even though you were disappointed with me because I can’t join some of the JAMC’s events. You always took the effort (I guess some people also do it for me) to invite me and I highly appreciated it because I always feel special.*kilig*. Promise, I felt guilty about it kay mahay – mahay daun ka sa akoa…hahahaha and telling me this line “Jecca, wala lageh ka giadto(*insert your mahay face)?” to the nth time. I am sorry for letting you feel that way. However, I thank you (and the rest of the JAMC) for the great accommodation. I always feel welcomed in joining the Life meeting and the prayer meeting.  You’ve found friends in JAMC and I thank you because you let me know them and became my friends too. I believe that JAMC will take good care of you as much as you take good care of them.  Also, I thank you that for sometimes we shared thoughts about everything in life. Okay Kim, I will GUARD MY HEART! I WILL NOT BE HURRY! Chos…hahahahaha I really don’t know why you’re telling me this (coz you know already my top priorities) but I consider it as a great reminder for myself and for some people who may not know about it.

Baby Kim!

            Ang tao na mangita ug tag – 5 pesos na snacks (inc. drinks? Kung pwede pa lang). Hey, where on this earth we could find a busog snacks worth 5 pesos? Tagaan ta nalang ka ug 2/3 php para makabuy ta ug saging near metrobank…hahahahaha *bahalag saging basta kay labing* trololol! Ayaw pag – inot oie basta pagkaon…

            Ang tao na grave kung malate…*sorry kim*. Believe ko sa imung confidence level kung malate…You always have the guts to enter the classroom. J No Guts! No Glory! Nyahahahahaha

            Ang tao na nay instik eyes. Hahahahaha. This causes other people to bully you. Like they’re telling you always na “Cgeh lang ug katulog; Ayaw’g katulog Kim “. Mind you, your eyes are so nice and cute to be mistaken. * I am a liar* hahaahahaha Just kidding aside J

Ikaw na! Ikaw na KIMBERLY ANN A. MA! Happy 21st Birthday. I wish you nothing but only the best in everything. I wish you good health, guidance and strength from Above. You are one of my favorite classmate. You are one of the people I trusted because I know that you are so kind, humble, so genuine and faithful. I thank God upon every remembrance of you J Have a good one and God bless your birthday

Kay LaAb lageh,

Jecca Beyd

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Therefore, I am NOT ELIZABETH

When I started blogging, I thought of writing on the subject of the origin of my beautiful name (of course). But I had complexity on composing the entry since I cannot find any pleasant title for the blog. If you can only check my draft box, you’ll find there a “did you know what?” – a fleeting title and I guess parang trivia lang ang dating…’di ko type.

“Hello World, Hello Philippines” my name is 


However, when I started my on – the – job – training (OJT), one of my superior incidentally spoke the name Elizabeth when his co – worker asked my name. I didn’t know where on the four corners of the laboratory he got it (even himself cannot figure it out where he got!LOL!). Actually, it sounds so side – splitting every time they call me “Beth or Elizabeth”.  Perhaps because in reality, the name is so sacred…so biblical! And calling me Elizabeth is an understatement.

The happening gave me motivation to continue the blog I have started three months ago. I just want to share something about the source of my given name.  In school, few of my classmates knew it and only those who really questioned me where did my dear parents have my name. Oooppps! I remember one event in my life – THE RETREAT where I gain so much coolness to share the meaning or the origin of my given name. Thank you to the facilitator who initiated the activity.


My dearly loved Nanay is the only person (I knew in the family) who could unquestionably answer if anyone asks regarding my given name. Out of curiosity, I asked her the meaning of my name way back high school but she conferred me the origin 

For the reason that, I was named after my pretty lola LORENZA ZAMAYLA – TAKIANG (as we fondly call her Lola Inday). My pretty Lola is definitely pretty…hahahahaha J . Many said that my sister Limya looks like my lola that is why she is also given a petname Inday. But (I think) I was the luckiest female grandchild to be named after her. My name was supposed to be LAURENCE according to nanay but someone helped her realized that it is a boy’s name. So it was change to LORAINE meaning --------------

Lorraine \l(o)-rrai-ne\ as a girl's name is pronounced lor-AYN. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Lorraine is "from Lorraine". Name of the province in France (where Joan of Arccame from) and a family name of French royalty. Also an elaboration of Lora, or possibly derived from Laura (Latin) "laurel". See also LorenaActress Laraine Newman.Lorraine has 13 variant forms: LaraineLarayneLaurraineLeraineLerayneLorainLoraina,LoraineLorayneLoriLorineLorraina and Lorrayne.

*I took the effort of finding the meaning of this name.Super Thanks to  thinkbabynames.

my grandparents...this is the only picture I have <3

The name Jecca is not visible on English (US) dictionary that is why when I type my second given name on MS – Word program it seems to be wrong – spelled. Thus, the name Jecca has no equivalent meaning. How sad L but knowing its origin is a bliss. Do you know JOKO DIAZ click hereWhat connects? Well, I was also named after him because according to my nanay he was so sikat when I was born. Really? Hahahahaha J. So I conclude, JECCA is an invented name. Logically, JOKO is for male and JECCA is for female. So kung ipinanganak akong lalaki siguro my name is LAURENCE JOKO!Incredible!nyahahaha just for laughs! J 


Lorraine Jecca
Loraine Jeca
Jecca Loraine
Jecca Lorraine

This is a big memento (to all the people) most especially to my classmates who always commit the same mistake of spelling my name.* As much as I wanted to named names I rather keep it to myself in order to protect the reputation of my dearest friends…you know who you are Jhmmmm!hahahahha choz
Therefore, I am not Elizabeth.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When VANITY strikes!

I am not busy! I am not under pressure! I am not doing anything…This is life! This is me when relaxing and enjoying the free time.  For sometimes, it’s really boring! I only watch tv from day to night. And when I don’t have anything to do, me just SLEEP and MORE SLEEP! But I find time looking through the pictures during the Manila trip; I mean the ChE summit thing. Oh No! I discover that I have lots of solo photos anywhere. This is not me! I swear! Hahahahahaha J I am not absolutely vain. I love to have group pictures rather than solo one. But when I reached Manila I love to take pictures all alone nah. I love to see myself all alone in the panoramic view. Soshal! nyahaahahahaha

WOW! Eastwood is beautiful at night. I don’t know how it looks during day time. 
These photos were taken during the Seminar at UP – Diliman Theatre. 
I am holding the summit ID and the kit. 
This is me when I am sleepy. Promise! The seminar was kinda boring. 
So I decided to make fun of myself.hahahahaha :p
These photos were taken by Diana, my classmate. – At UP – Diliman Engineering Buidling
At SM – Mall of Asia



When people ask me with this question, I always find myself being trap for years (for 2 years I guess).Okay fine! I can’t blame them for asking the same question over and over and over again. I really don’t know what they’re thinking about me but of course I need to defend myself and to reveal the truth behind it…hahahahaha J
   Graduate naka?
                Answer #1: Wala pa! 5 years man gud akong course.
                Answer #2: I’m still doing my proposal for thesis (fyps)
                Answer #3: Nabagsak man gud ko ug subject atong 3rd year! L

My answers vary right? But mind you darling, it was hurting on my part giving those answers knowing that SOME might don’t understand what I am saying and what I am trying to let them know. Not just hurting but also annoying! PROMISE! If and only if I could gather people for a round – table discussion just to entertain their queries and questions about this controversial one, WHY NOT? But sorry, my time is so precious to spend for this not – so – important matter. I presume there are lots of things to mind than this.

YES! I am enrolled in a 5 – year program, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. With great   humility, I am now on my 4th year and I thank God for guiding me all through this years. Imagine! I never thought of this course when I was on my secondary education and all I want to be is to become a chemist/pharmacist someday but chance had come my way. I am a recipient of St. Francis Xavier Scholarship but the scholarship is exclusive only for education program (which I indicated during the exam). Blame on me! Unfortunately, the scholarship is non – transferrable. So I declined and it took me months to decide again what course to take up in college.

I chose chemical engineering as my course because I want to make a difference. That’s the only reasonable thing I know aside from putting “Engr.” to my beloved name. My clan is so big, composed of educators, businessmen, doctors, lawyers and only few are engineers (I guess two or three and none of them came from Celedonio – Lorenza Bade).  So, I want to be the first female chemical engineer in our clan.

My first two years in the ChE program was not that hard compare to what I experienced during my 3rd and 4th year. But one thing is for sure, you’ll never learn to appreciate life without the applications of chemistry, the law of physics and mathematics and so let me include as well the super demanding minor subjects. But when I reached my 3rd year, I experienced so much depression. I failed in a “major major” subject – ChE 10. That failure was unjustifiable. Yes, I have also lapses but I put the blame to our dearest instructor. I could not find any reason why she failed us (7 of us failed in the said subject). She didn’t even give us seat works and assignments because SHE IS ALWAYS ABSENT IN CLASS! Mas daghan pa iyang absent kaysa sa iyang present. After that event, Gitaga ko siya sa bato! Swear! She was the first teacher who really made me cry to the max. Hanep! Because of that failure I have to spend another year in ChE program…instead of making it 5, it will be now 6. For every one false move is equivalent to one year extension.

My failure gave me so much problem and stress. I have to bear with the new curriculum and so I need to undergo internal credits with all of the subjects I have taken already plus I need to enroll myself to subjects I have not yet taken like psychology and ChE 01. It was not easy since the burden is getting bigger. At the same time, it took me months to adjust with the new environment (I mean new blockmates and classmates). Honest to goodness, before, I find it hard to adjust with my new blockmates. They’re definitely smart and some are competitive. They’re ONCE INTIMIDATING! But I thank the Lord for meeting new group of people. Some of them really challenge me. Some of them turn out to be my little sisters and brothers which I never had. Some of them became my inspiration and motivation. Some of them happened to be my close friends and good confidant.  Our personalities do differ of course Lahi lahi bya ang tao. But I can surely attest that these people are part of every passing marks and happiness I encountered. They say “Happiness is a choice” YES! Exactly true! It is in ChE where I find total happiness in life. Guys, I tell you…lisud keu ang chem.eng’g but that feeling when you experience so much pressure and tension in everything yet at the end of the day you find yourself SMILING & LAUGHING with your classmates over everything that had happened to you. That is HAPPINESS! Lesson learned: Do not let your emotions over ruled you. Unsa na lang kung lisud na galing tanan, mag.paSAD2x pa ka. Life is beautiful so smileJ.

However, I already spent 5 years in the College of Engineering. But hey! I am still studying and I knew that. It was really tough for me to spend another year knowing that my original block mates had just newly graduated after 5 years of hard work and suffering. I admit, I was so resentful and I pity myself for not making it. I know people in our place, mostly my relatives and my high school classmates are expecting me to graduate this march because they know that I am a good student. But fate is leading me to somewhere, which I truly believe it is better than all of these that are happening to me. I truly believe that God’s plan is greater and better than my plan. So, I put my trust to Him and surrender my thoughts, my will and my decisions in life. In His time, I will certainly declare a DEFINITE & CONCRETE ANSWER to this question.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An Open Letter

Dear ChE graduates,

You did it! Now it’s all over, or it’s all beginning depending on which way you look at it. I am happy seeing all of you enjoying the SUCCESS you truly deserve and the ACHIEVEMENT you have truly earned.  You have chosen a tough course. Nevertheless, I believe you are tougher and sooner or later, all of you will become extraordinary CHEMICAL ENGINEERS.

To my original blockmates:
THANK YOU BIG TIME! Thank you so much for bringing wonderful moments into my life. You are such an inspiration and I will surely treasure all of these. Like we used to jump together every photo shoot, we eat and chit – chat together every lunch time, we sleep together in the library and we laugh together over Sarah G’s visit at ororama. I can still remember when some of us ran away towards the establishment just to see the celebrity.

From this moment another chapter of your life has begun and I am confident that you will continue to succeed in life. I don’t wish you to succeed in ALL that will be too boring…hahahahaha. But I wish you to succeed in the most important things in life. Remember, try not to lose FRIENDS you gain over the years at school since we are and we will be the most valuable friends ever.
May God continue to bless you and your abilities.

Jecca Beyd

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Instead of making a detailed stories about our Manila Trip (Che Summit Philippines at UP Diliman), I created a video via WVM to sum up everything. Without this, siguro aabutin ako hanggang next month to complete a blog entry for the MNL thing hahahahha.

I did the video with all my heart and soul coz I don't wanna be unfair in the world of sincerity. Promise! It took me 2 days to complete the video (good thing I don't have anything for academe, so Im not that busy for now). grabbed it!

Finally, I created one after 123456...attempts i did. I'm so happy and this video is so special.HAVE FUN :)