Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When VANITY strikes!

I am not busy! I am not under pressure! I am not doing anything…This is life! This is me when relaxing and enjoying the free time.  For sometimes, it’s really boring! I only watch tv from day to night. And when I don’t have anything to do, me just SLEEP and MORE SLEEP! But I find time looking through the pictures during the Manila trip; I mean the ChE summit thing. Oh No! I discover that I have lots of solo photos anywhere. This is not me! I swear! Hahahahahaha J I am not absolutely vain. I love to have group pictures rather than solo one. But when I reached Manila I love to take pictures all alone nah. I love to see myself all alone in the panoramic view. Soshal! nyahaahahahaha

WOW! Eastwood is beautiful at night. I don’t know how it looks during day time. 
These photos were taken during the Seminar at UP – Diliman Theatre. 
I am holding the summit ID and the kit. 
This is me when I am sleepy. Promise! The seminar was kinda boring. 
So I decided to make fun of myself.hahahahaha :p
These photos were taken by Diana, my classmate. – At UP – Diliman Engineering Buidling
At SM – Mall of Asia