Wednesday, May 16, 2012

REFLECTION: Patas sa Benteng Tanong

**I was able to retrieve my reflection note on the play entitled "Patas sa Benteng Tanong". This was the first play I watched in the XU - Little Theater (since t'was part of the requirement for English 41 class). Let me share it to you :) **

“How do you see virginity ba?” was one of the question raised by Yumi to Jigs that strikes me most. We all know that virginity is the state of being a virgin. A virgin is usually a woman who had never been into a sexual intercourse. The state of virginity has always been significant to me. I perceived virginity as something sacred to be valued and respected. For other people, they considered the act of losing one’s virginity as one of the important life event but for me it is something to be ashamed and not to be proud of. I am not saying that virginity is a full requirement to marriage. In the first place, unmarried people are not allowed to enter into sexual activity; otherwise they considered sex only just for pleasure, fun and entertainment. Sex is just for married person and no other people can do it but only those who acquired the gift of matrimony. It is improper to say that a woman should surrender her virginity to a man just for assurance before getting into marriage. It is the woman’s lost, if the man did not marry her whose virginity he had taken. Each person must use his or her own judgment and decides if it is the right time and the right person. Virginity is not for you to give in to anyone just because of girlfriend/boyfriend wants, peer pressure problems, movie madness, and feeling curious. In order to value virginity, one must think that virginity is a personal decision.

The Patas plays an important role in today’s generation. It is a reality check to what is truth behind virginity and pre-marital sex. It is an aid for us to have a clear understanding on how we should value and respect it. Of course nobody wants to be left out of things. This means that we should consider factors both physical ones, like the possibility of becoming pregnant and the emotional factors too. The real thing there is, when it comes to sex, you are in charge of your own happiness and your own body and you have a lot of time to wait until you are sure about it. Finally, being a virgin proves that you are in charge and you are powerful enough to make your own decisions about your mind and body.

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