Tuesday, March 27, 2012


When people ask me with this question, I always find myself being trap for years (for 2 years I guess).Okay fine! I can’t blame them for asking the same question over and over and over again. I really don’t know what they’re thinking about me but of course I need to defend myself and to reveal the truth behind it…hahahahaha J
   Graduate naka?
                Answer #1: Wala pa! 5 years man gud akong course.
                Answer #2: I’m still doing my proposal for thesis (fyps)
                Answer #3: Nabagsak man gud ko ug subject atong 3rd year! L

My answers vary right? But mind you darling, it was hurting on my part giving those answers knowing that SOME might don’t understand what I am saying and what I am trying to let them know. Not just hurting but also annoying! PROMISE! If and only if I could gather people for a round – table discussion just to entertain their queries and questions about this controversial one, WHY NOT? But sorry, my time is so precious to spend for this not – so – important matter. I presume there are lots of things to mind than this.

YES! I am enrolled in a 5 – year program, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. With great   humility, I am now on my 4th year and I thank God for guiding me all through this years. Imagine! I never thought of this course when I was on my secondary education and all I want to be is to become a chemist/pharmacist someday but chance had come my way. I am a recipient of St. Francis Xavier Scholarship but the scholarship is exclusive only for education program (which I indicated during the exam). Blame on me! Unfortunately, the scholarship is non – transferrable. So I declined and it took me months to decide again what course to take up in college.

I chose chemical engineering as my course because I want to make a difference. That’s the only reasonable thing I know aside from putting “Engr.” to my beloved name. My clan is so big, composed of educators, businessmen, doctors, lawyers and only few are engineers (I guess two or three and none of them came from Celedonio – Lorenza Bade).  So, I want to be the first female chemical engineer in our clan.

My first two years in the ChE program was not that hard compare to what I experienced during my 3rd and 4th year. But one thing is for sure, you’ll never learn to appreciate life without the applications of chemistry, the law of physics and mathematics and so let me include as well the super demanding minor subjects. But when I reached my 3rd year, I experienced so much depression. I failed in a “major major” subject – ChE 10. That failure was unjustifiable. Yes, I have also lapses but I put the blame to our dearest instructor. I could not find any reason why she failed us (7 of us failed in the said subject). She didn’t even give us seat works and assignments because SHE IS ALWAYS ABSENT IN CLASS! Mas daghan pa iyang absent kaysa sa iyang present. After that event, Gitaga ko siya sa bato! Swear! She was the first teacher who really made me cry to the max. Hanep! Because of that failure I have to spend another year in ChE program…instead of making it 5, it will be now 6. For every one false move is equivalent to one year extension.

My failure gave me so much problem and stress. I have to bear with the new curriculum and so I need to undergo internal credits with all of the subjects I have taken already plus I need to enroll myself to subjects I have not yet taken like psychology and ChE 01. It was not easy since the burden is getting bigger. At the same time, it took me months to adjust with the new environment (I mean new blockmates and classmates). Honest to goodness, before, I find it hard to adjust with my new blockmates. They’re definitely smart and some are competitive. They’re ONCE INTIMIDATING! But I thank the Lord for meeting new group of people. Some of them really challenge me. Some of them turn out to be my little sisters and brothers which I never had. Some of them became my inspiration and motivation. Some of them happened to be my close friends and good confidant.  Our personalities do differ of course Lahi lahi bya ang tao. But I can surely attest that these people are part of every passing marks and happiness I encountered. They say “Happiness is a choice” YES! Exactly true! It is in ChE where I find total happiness in life. Guys, I tell you…lisud keu ang chem.eng’g but that feeling when you experience so much pressure and tension in everything yet at the end of the day you find yourself SMILING & LAUGHING with your classmates over everything that had happened to you. That is HAPPINESS! Lesson learned: Do not let your emotions over ruled you. Unsa na lang kung lisud na galing tanan, mag.paSAD2x pa ka. Life is beautiful so smileJ.

However, I already spent 5 years in the College of Engineering. But hey! I am still studying and I knew that. It was really tough for me to spend another year knowing that my original block mates had just newly graduated after 5 years of hard work and suffering. I admit, I was so resentful and I pity myself for not making it. I know people in our place, mostly my relatives and my high school classmates are expecting me to graduate this march because they know that I am a good student. But fate is leading me to somewhere, which I truly believe it is better than all of these that are happening to me. I truly believe that God’s plan is greater and better than my plan. So, I put my trust to Him and surrender my thoughts, my will and my decisions in life. In His time, I will certainly declare a DEFINITE & CONCRETE ANSWER to this question.