Friday, December 30, 2011

I am Jecca Beyd

I am very independent and reclusive. Sometimes, no one really understands me, and I like it that way!I am quite clever and ingenious. I can get myself out of any sticky situation.

I am confident and cool tempered. I know I have many advantages and resources to draw from.No matter what life throws at me, things always seem to work out my way.
I am light hearted and have a sunny disposition. 

I live a life of 


I am open and adventurous. I am interested in young people and what's new in the world. I don't carry any emotional baggage with me through life. What's done is done, and I've moved on.I start every day fresh.I am optimistic about what's to come.

I am not afraid to crack the books when I need to, and I will make my education a true priority.I could become a PhD in anything, if I set my mind to it. 

There's no limit to what I 

can learn!

Hope I could get along with everyone in my family, and I will tend to play the peacemaker. I can see issues from all sides.I feel like some members of my family are too unhappy. These family members tend to create unhappiness for everyone else.While my parents made mistakes, I forgive them and accept them for who they are.I will tend to be the rock in my family. I will support everyone in their times of need, and they take my advice seriously.

   certified choleric

           to God be the GLORY! amen 

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