Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Me Thingy

While having my OT on a Saturday - doing cycle count, cost meeting report and polishing my oral presentation for next week, I just thought about myself, my inner self. It's like I'm making a self - evaluation Murag correct. Because I believe that "Nobody knows you better than you know yourself". Other people don't generally know me like I know myself. Maybe because I only share a part of me through my actions, words or even my personality. Yet I say, there are those people close to me who can definitely paint a picture of me than I am capable of. The following statements are my favorite consolidated testimonials from random yet very important people in my life. I made their names anonymous for several reasons echoos keu.
"She Declares, with authenticity and truth. Vocal but held responsible of her acts. If she feels she is not in the mood, she speaks it with few words and you already know what she felt. No fakeness. She is a perfect structure (panorama as she describe) of hardworking student. High respect I have for her. The library became her dungeon and books became her friends. She takes time to realize things, she makes sure it’s in order, it is getting right. She never aimed to be on top, but she remained praised of what she does. I know she will be reading this, she might be smiling right now"
I am a very transparent person. What I feel is always manifested in me physically. I can't hide it with a simple smile. If you're going to ask me "kamustah ka?" for sure I can definitely give a concrete answer to it - a feeling probably. Yet, I can actually control my emotions. Of course I do not want to let my emotions overruled me. I always start my day fresh and new. What's done is done.

Being on top was actually my craziest dream to graduate laude in college. Only to realize it was hard big time to maintain A's in Chemical Engineering. Though I am powerless to grab it, still happy for every praises and compliments I received from my classmates. Yes! I can perfect a major Unit Operations subject but i can also failed one, two or many. So extreme right?
"She has a kind and conscientious type of personality. She is a born artist. Usually puts the needs of others above her own needs. Stable and practical in taking decisions. And has a good observations about people" 
I am very much concerned with doing something correctly .I don't dwell with basta2x output knowing that I truly care and give much effort on it. I give the same kindness to those people who shared the same kindness too. I am NOT born artist but I know ART - I love to do crafts, scrapbooking and the like. I have many wants for myself, but needs always prevail most especially for my family. I don't judge people base on their physical attributes. I think I am the person who understand one's flaws or incapabilities. I know how to dwell or deal with people having different personalities. It is me who adjust most of the time. But I do not actually please other people. Pleasing the Almighty is more than enough.

This is me! Yet, better meet and know me in person :) *back to work*


  1. nyahahahaha you need not mention it because you know that ;) do i need to mention it? hahahaha
