Monday, October 13, 2014

An Escape to My 20 Facts

When checking the FB world, you’ll probably bump into some posts entitled “20 Facts About me”. It became so mainstream in the said social media, and I guess it is mandatory to response once you are being tagged. Honestly, I’ve been waiting for a friend to tag me but that would take it too long since it is not “uso” in our batch, not even in our families and relatives or in my workplace.

So here in my blog space, I provide 20 facts about me. I could even give more than the required number but it would be so dragging to the reader’s part.


  1. Hi! My real name is LORAINE JECCA BARACE BADE. I am named after my grandmother LORENZA and the famous actor, JOKO diaz :D
  2. In connection to #1, only teachers and authorities call me Loraine. I’m used to my second name since my early childhood years.
  3. I know I am best in studying. Yes! I study a lot in high school and I love to do it during dawn. No wonder it became a practice/habit when I studied Chemical Engineering way back college.
  4. Chemical Eng’g was not my first choice. I wanted to have a degree on BS Pharmacy but unfortunately it was not offered on the nearest city at the time. Second choice was BS Chemistry but I enrolled myself to ChE program believing that I could end up working in PKI. (so it became so real to me now)
  5. My first movie watched inside the movie house is STARDUST. And I was first Year College at that time. I am not a movie addict not until I had my first.
  6. I am a super duper avid fan of Sarah – John Lloyd movies. They are actually my favorite love team. Hmmm I never missed any movies they had together. #nasubaybayan
  7. I am definitely a bookworm. I love to read novels, fictions, stories and self – help books. Reading pocketbooks was not on my lists. That is soooooo….nevermind! At present, I like to read the book first before watching it on widescreen.
  8. I eat a lot but I do not gain any weight at all HAHAHAHAHA (some might read this and will be mad at me for sure)
  9. My favorite side dish and main dish is pinakbet and adobong manok respectively. I eat veggies but okra and upo are definitely an exemption. While on the meat, I do not eat “goat meat” since the smell is so awful. J
  10. Not a sweet – tooth person, so I don’t really crave for “something sweet” food. But it’s okay to eat a little but not too much.
  11. When I am in CdeO, I always look forward to eat pasta, pizza and fries. I guess they can take my stress away. That’s why I love Greenwhich forever J
  12. I didn’t know I am good in badminton (I am actually a baseball player wayback HS) not until I won 2nd place during the PKI badminton tournament. There were actually best players I competed with.
  13. I don’t easily trust anyone after a plan betrayal was made last July 29, 2012. I can be forgiving but I can’t forget easily.
  14. Because I can’t forget easily, I am good at remembering birthdays, dates, happenings and etc. Not to brag, but I am good in memorization. Yet, when it comes to general knowledge I don’t have a long term memory to remember everything that was taught and discussed in school. :p
  15. My ultimate crush is a CPA HAHAHAHAHA (long time crush since high school).
  16. My greatest escape is sleeping. I love to sleep so much that I always oversleep during weekends.
  17. I love to travel because I believe that the world is an open book and those who don’t travel read one page only. Europe is on my list while Japan hmmm I think our company can offer it maybe next year or two for schooling/training.
  18. Never been into a relationship with someone since birth ;) But I know God is writing my love story so well that it took me so long to have a boyfriend at this very age of mine.hhahahaha
  19. I love to sing even if I am not gifted with a good voice. My favorite songs are: Top of the World, Power of two and someday well know. All of these are included on my lists every time I had videoke with friends.
  20.  Actually, i do blogs during work hours hahahaha this blog is resulted from killing the time since I need to have a short escape from the real world. This work is killing me bigtime hahahaa just kidding :D

*have fun time reading ;) God bless everyone!