Thursday, January 23, 2014

Isn't blood thicker than water?

I wanted to burst myself into anger but thank God, He reminds me that I should guard my heart above all else (Prov. 4:23). Thank you, Lord, for the reminder.

Earlier, I was watching frozen (that was cool, its been late already and I knew that) but my watching didn't end well. I couldn't understand anything from the scene since my mother came crying. Its the same old stories that cause her to cry. Yes! Very real to us and its never been that new to me and to my family. Galibakon mi nila even before that I went to college and I was expecting that they too will stop from it since I already passed the board exam and thank God, I am an engineer already. I don't know what causes them. Still questioning myself! Dili sila gakapuyan? Because I am tired already of hearing those words.

Blood is thicker than water is not true to me anymore! Instead of receiving kind words from them, they will hit you back. Yes, we experience financial constraints many times or most of the times or several times but my parents were able to send us to college and have our degrees. And my parents are very proud of it that even "nagka-utang2x mi" still we children were able to nail ourselves to profession (from the eldest to the youngest).Thank God for all of these. So, I'm praying that God will change you to be a better person you can be (not full of insecurities, no hatreds, no lies, no gossip and the like).

GOD opposes the proud but FAVORS THE HUMBLE.
So as for me, I am and will always be grounded with humility. Its our parents that taught us to be HUMBLE in everything I and will have, in everything I do, and in everything I achieve.