Sunday, February 24, 2013

LOVE DRIVEs Me to St. Joseph Golden Home Foundation

I’ve experienced a lot of outreach programs way back high school. And it’s actually more on community and school based – elementary school and urban areas in Jasaan. I haven’t experienced this much during college. I guess the first and last foundation I visited was the Bahay Canossa in Baloy (for the sake of RS 35). That has been a long time already but still I can remember the helpless – abandoned children in that place. SAD STORY!

How I wish that story never existed. But as I always say to myself, everything happens for a purpose and a reason. Only God knows.

I couldn’t be anymore thankful to God how He turned my FEBRUARY 24 into a lovely day – making me fall in love with the grannies of St. Joseph Golden Home Foundation. Like the children of Bahay Canossa, they are also abandoned lolos and lolas. Yah! It’s really sad to know about their stories (my heart was broken into pieces). I may not be in the position to say but I can feel how it’s hard to live each day coping with “kamingaw” or even just longing with someone from a family. My heart was crying inside knowing they are physically and emotionally struggling. Apart from the pain and struggles they are facing each day, its good to see them (even just for a little while) singing, dancing clapping their hands and having conversation with us. And it’s truly straight from the heart. In fact, they need someone to take good care of them. And I couldn’t be anymore thankful to the staff of St. Joseph for taking good care of our beloved grannies (they are not even related by blood but they have showed a lot of courage, strength and patience to take the responsibility which is not supposed to be theirs) . God bless your heart maam and sir.

(L) meet lola ching, she's 97 years old. No boyfriend since birth :)

Such a heart – warming experienced I had. It paid off all the sacrifices and efforts I have made to spend my time (on a Sunday basis) with the grannies. My heart is filled with gratitude that I was able to (at least) make them happy with my not-so-kaboses-with the carpenters, my very own version of Top of the World HAHAHAHAHAHA! ;). My donation which I got from my fair share – prize receive from KRC Award is nothing compare to the joy (which is far different from the word happiness) I have from joining the love drive. I am more than THANKFUL that I was able to extend or share the blessing I have.

Thank you JAMC - CDEO for the invitation :)

Thank you Daddy Lord, for simply allowing me to experience the Love drive. It goes to show that Your LoVE is truly manifested. And also THANK YOU JAMC – CDEO for inviting me. Indeed, the activity showed a lot of good deeds that will surely glorify the Almighty. God bless your hearts.

P.S. to anyone who might accidentally read this blog (to those who have more than enough to share), you could also extend or share your blessing this foundation. Trust me, ITS WORTH IT ALL! If you have time, please visit their page on facebook (click here) for some inquiries. I believe they are more deserving of your love. God Bless us Always.