Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Poloy!


 21 years ago, God created/ formed an awesome man now and that man bears the name RUSSEL (Poloy as what people fondly called him). Since today is his birthday, allow me to enumerate random things about him (someone out there might be interested with his background.LOL! :D)

the photographer and the doctor..TROLOLOL! :)
I have known this person way back physical chemistry laboratory times. We were group mates actually and that made me realized that he is truly smart. He don't dwell with basta - basta experiments/lab report (and even basta - basta ppt presentation. This is real up to now). His I.Q. is beyond average. Bright jud na bata :D Maulaw na lang ko kung mag -ingun siya na wala naka - answer sa exam (HAHAHAHAHAHAH! malipay daun ko kay diha ra ko maka - edge sa iyaha *insert evil laugh*) COMPETITIVE! Speaking of competency, he is good at it (admit it loy! bwahahahaha). He is definitely competitive. Dili magpalupig bha! =) And this is something I like about him because he is so genuine and sincere about everything he does. He is just so honest with what he actually feels like saying to me this line'
"Jec, mabagsak nako...mamatay nako unya...wala pa ko ka -study...wala pa ko katulog...niwang nako bha? HAHAHAHAHA :) sapian bya!"
His fascination with photography *insert DSLR crave face* leads him to picmonkey addiction (not to mention some of my classmates who were also influenced with this photo editor application). He is actually good when talking about photos and editing. That is one of the many reason why you may hear someone says "Poloy, edit-e/buhati ko ug logo for...Poloy, pagdesign sa ug t-shirt" and many more. This is one of his obra click here which also made my birthday so lovely because of this beautiful gift he had for me:)

There are lots of things I could share it to you guys (about this bubbly Budoy), but I won't take this any longer (para hindi mag - mukhang dragging). Better  know him in person na lang.

 *insert serious face* On your birthday, I wish you all the very best in everything, all the joy you can ever have and may God blesses you abundantly on your studies and family. God knows the desire of your heart and for sure He will grant it. I thank the Lord for crossing our paths. Thank you for all the helps you had for me especially when I experience difficulty with academics stuff. Thank you for the friendship and trust. Truly, you are one of those people I treasure and I'm keeping this friendship forever. CHAR! Z:) may you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come...

" I thank my God upon every remembrance of you" - Philippians 1:3